say brah
it’s basically a way to say hi or whats up to another individual
say=hey brah=bro
say brah = hey bro
say brah, what’s going on
slang for: what’s going on bro
or like
what’s good
used mainly by frat guys or bad-ss girls
girl: say brah
guy: d-mn!
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red cylcon crazy -ss killa wtf is that crazy saxx doing now in his 10
- say tho
“hey” in a ebonics way. before a comment to catch the attention of the other person. and a way to start conversation wit a lil breezy. youngsta: say tho, get me a 40. person b: ite messcan : say tho, b-tch you gonna let me hit it? yella: yea
- Schwaaan
(v.) to have s-x with someone 1. “wanna schwaaan?” 2. “i schwaaaned this chubie last night after a big sushi dinner.”
- schwaddle
when one sh-t’s oneself and then proceeds to waddle to the bathroom. i was holding my coffee cup when suddenly i thought i farted when actually i sh-t my self and schwaddled my way to the can.
- Schwanged
to be turned on. melissa’s skirt totally had me schw-nged last night. the residual effects and grogginess -ssociated with the heavy use of marijuana the previous night. “dude, last night was crazy. i am so schw-nged.”