being forced to do something you don’t really want to do or having unwanted obligations. usually refers to a controlling girlfriend.
nicole wants me to go with her to see some chick flick on sat-rday night. it’s all one big schedule with her.
urban slang for a controlled substance regulated under the controlled substance act. the substances are listed in a series of “schedules” numbered i through v, depending on when it was first subjected to federal regulation. these substances can be found at 21 c.f.r. § 1308 et seq.
“the five-oh came a’runnin’ to pick up dem hoppers slangin’ on the corners, but dey stopped me, and i had’a’had a little schedule in my pocket i forgot about.”
word to describe an absolute moron, who hangs out with far too many vb’s.
lewd, crude and indelicate.
you are such a schedule
jeff foxworthy redneck word for scared you
if you ever saw a ghost that schedule so bad you’d sh-t in your pants
a word often effiminitely mispr-nounced by elitists or pseudo-elitists, often faking, or using a real, british accent. the pr-nunciation of this word is: ‘skedyool’ as opposed to the artsy and stupid: ‘shedyool.’
proof of this finding is two fold. firstly there is no other commonly used, non-generic, english word which starts with ‘sch’ pr-nounced with the ‘sh’ sound. secondly, any ‘sh’ word in the english language starts with those same two letters: ‘sh’ – for those reading this who pr-nounce ‘schedule’ ‘skedyool’ i had to repeat the obvious!
‘sh’ words pr-nounced with the ‘sh’ sound:
shoe, shot, sh-t, should, sheik, shook, shoot, shew, shrew, shrewed, sh-ll, she, sh-r-, shone, shop, shall, sheep, sheen +++
examples of ‘sch’ words pr-nounced with the ‘sh’ sound: ?
examples of ‘sch’ words pr-nounced with the ‘sk’ sound:
school, schizophrenic, scheme, schematic, scholar, scholastic, schedule +++
indeed there are words with the ‘sh’ sound which start with ‘sch’ but are derivitives or generic words from another language. examples are: schnapps (dutch), schneider (german name), schnitzel (european cut of meat.)
in closing – to best exemplify this – try using the word ‘schizophrenic’ in a sentence using the ‘sh’ sound.
max: -with a thick english accent- “i heard that arthur’s son does not attend eton because he is a ‘sh-tsophrenic.’
scott: “indeed he does not attend eton; but not because he is a ‘skitsophrenic’ but because he doesn’t want to be around -ssholes like you who pr-nounce ‘skedyool’ ‘shedyool!”
list of things in order of when you will do it
guys schedule:
morning wood
look up p-rn
search random sh-t on ud
watch football
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