1. an ancient undiscovered tribe of big b–bed people, male and female, who tend to reside in huge bushlands particularly populated with native species such as the plum or olive tree.
2. is the cause of the rabbit plague in australia.
3. is the cause of vomitting due to excessive alcohol intake and introduced the use of steroids in australia.
4. pure geniuses.
schembri “im never drinking again” (see also euro trip)
“boys boys get inside there are bees”
doctor: “ah those schembris are always in here, always bruising their faces with their jubblies”
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- schlode
1.a lovely person who has a tendancy to lack mental stability. sometimes can be mistaken for a mental health patient. a schlode is usually a best friend of a schliz. 2.a very disturbing noise that can usually be heard miles away from the schlode. ‘schlode smells.’ ‘you are a real schlode.’ ‘schlode loves schliz.’ ‘ahh, […]
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- Schoolboyed it
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