a generally irritating individual, generally male, that exhibits a verbal display of over-valuing the sound of his/her voice and opinions, and and under-valuing the potential contributions of his/her companion of the moment. said opinion, developed and expressed on almost everything, is delivered with suggestive or self-serving overtones in order to inflate the orator’s opinion of self and/or to garner a s-xual experience from the companion. said conversations tend not to last very long or achieve intended results, unless companion is under the influence of alcohol or other vision/hearing/perception-altering substances. arising from english “schmoozer” and “douchebag”.
look at sh-tgrin derek over there trying to get into cindylou’s pants by talking her up about his dumb subaru brat…what a total schmouchebag!!
“no i will not sleep with you, schmouchebag!!”
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