the end of a scrat, or someone’s d-ck, like a f-g-end only more generally repulsive.
devvo – “or i might just write, ‘you f-ckin’ scrat-end, by devvo’.”
1. literally, another word for the head of a p-n-s.
2. a chavvy insult, equivalent to jebend or b-ll-nd
“f-ck off ya scratend!”
the flakey bits of poo that cling to the end of a persons -n-l hairs.
mate are you coming out? nah mate im cleaning my scrat-end.
meaning either:
a) a discarded cigarette end.
b) a small piece of gristle from the end of a piece of meat.
usually used as an insult, especially when the latter meaning is in context. used by those of a more chav-like disposition, or when emulating or parodising a chav
“hey john, what are you doing down there?”
“lookin’ for some scrat-ends.”
“yer f-ckin’ scrat-end!”
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