Scratch Boy
a nickname for one of the following:
1. one who speaks to otis criley in nyc
2. one who loves getting stratched
3. one who experiences the stizz
4. one who is a night-scratcher (post 9-5pm), and fighter of the day scratcher
average blo suits up everyday and goes to work from 9 to 5 in mecca, usa. on his way home on 6th ave and 31st st., he enters the tower 58g – a true 4th roommate.
upon his entrance at the door, he’s saluted with, “scratch boy!!”.
he eats dum dums, night scratches with otis criley, blazes crushes, and gets a quick beej in the master room while looking out at lower manhattan.
upon his exist, he’s waived goodbye with”c-ya scratch boy!!”
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