Scream Bloody Gore

1. grunting, growling or screaming out heavy metal lyrics; usually refers to someone who does this well, but if you sing along to your alb-ms at home and they’re normally vocalized that way by the original band performing them, you can also “scream bl–dy gore”.

2. screaming loudly, shrilly – at the top of your lungs – for a prolonged period of time, when you get badly hurt or see someone else get hurt.

3. a landmark song by the heavy metal band death off of their first full-length alb-m.

4. a landmark alb-m by the heavy metal band death; also their first full-length alb-m, which was released in 1987, and began a legacy that lasted for 12 years, 7 full-length alb-ms, chuck schuldiner’s slow and steady conversion to christianity and the rotating of the inverted cross in the death logo to an upright christian one.
example 1: i listened to all the 7 death alb-ms last night and screamed bl–dy gore the whole way through.

example 2: andrew had the operation on his ingrown toenail yesterday… he screamed bl–dy gore.

example 3: “lobotomized corpse, shredding your flesh, leaving your body a bl–dy mess… scream bl–dy gore!”

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