serious emotional trauma
while physical trauma heals, serious emotional trauma leaves permanent psychological scars.
getting my foreskin caught in my trouser zipper at age 5 was bad enough, but what gave me serious emotional trauma was when my mother had to unzip it.
what you get after you walk in on your parents “doing it”
i had serious emotional trauma after i got home from the party and walked into the house, and saw my parents doing it.
when a large, asian male farts inside your school bag, but not without dropping a t-rd inside it, zipping the bag back up, shaking the bag around, opening it back up, and showing you the smeared sh-t all over your -ssignment papers due next period.
f-ck! no! my papers! i’ve been serious emotional trauma’d!
watching oprah winfrey’s “beloved” movie.
i don’t care whether oprah’s movie tried to portray slavery, the scenes of oprah taking a leak, the dog’s eyes being popped in, and an old man f-cking a baby reincarnated as a teenage girl, are all more than enough to give a normal human being severe emotional trauma.
see g–ts-
oh dear god the pain!
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