Sex and Weed
the only natural gifts from g-d. whoever thought of and agrees with marijuana being illegal and no s-x till youre 18 will burn in h-ll and get f-cked up by g-d personally…
n-gg-, f-ck the government, how dare they try to take away the only gifts that g-d gave us. well it dont really matter anyway, ive been f-cking them b-tches since i was 11, and ive been smokin herb since i was 9.
s-xual intercourse and pot is by far the most pleasurable sensation in the world immediatly followed by pizza
dude: so you quit pot? do you miss it
some hippie: naah not the pot, just the s-x when i whas high.. its even better then half an xtc and halve a v–gr-
(s-x and weed, untill global warming kills the marijuana plants or else for ever!)
what 95% of the definitions on this website consist of. could have nothing to do with the word that is searched, yet still be one of the definitions.
i looked up basketball and s-x and weed made up half of the god d-mn definitions. i’m sick and tired of seeing the same thing on every fckin word i look up. for example, (n. slang term for marijuana) or (v. when you are banging your girl and…)
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a s-xual metaphor, usually used for comedic effect or sometimes to disguise the truth, to make it appear more innocent. “rob rounded the bases with mindy last night” is a baseball s-xaphor.
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referring to a great amount of s-x, s-x games, spread out in a wide variety of places for an extended period of time. a festival of s-x. apon returning home from iraq, i found my beautiful girlfriend waiting to begin the s-xtivities. we enjoyed a three day s-xtival together, to make up for lost time.