straight f-cking down, or straight the f-ck down
ski buddy 1: hey man, which way are you going to ski this couloir?
ski buddy 2: sfd!!!
ski buddy 1:gnar, dude.
a euphemistic text messaging acronymn that generally stands for ‘sh-t f-ck d-mn’. sfd is often followed by an exclamation point for emphasis. the term is commonly used to express annoyance, frustration, or anger.
it is acceptable for sfd to be used spontaneously in courtship by a suitor expressing his/her approval of a desired lover’s physical prowess.
text messaging conversation…
jim: touchdown south carolina.
caroline: sh-t. f-ck. d-mn.
jim: the preferred term is sfd.
moments later…
jim: they just scored again.
caroline: sfd!!!
ronald: yo benj, here comes that shawty…
benji: sfd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sfd is an abbreviation for “so f-cking done.”
it can be used when your friend makes a moronic comment and their best luck is to just stop where they are at.
erin: “i make make illegitimate symbols too. look. <#%. a waffle cone."
hottie: sfd.
erin: "simon folows dinosaurs."
hottie: sfd, again.
an acronym that refers to the combo any self-respecting sub-shop has on their menu - a sub, an order of fries, and a soda. or, "sub fry drink". or, sfd.
i've got a hunger only a sfd can satisfy.
an acronym that is secretly used for so f-cking done.
there's no reason anymore. i'm sfd!
stupid f-ing drummer. the guy in your band that has all sorts of cold, heavy silver cr-p in his trunk that you must inevitably carry through doorways that are too small. also tends to beat the $hi7 out of stuff with two sticks very loudly. often thinks he can sing and/or play guitar too.
yo, during the set break, sfd was reading press packets so hard that his face melted off! need an acoustic set on the quick!
s-xual frustration depression
the mix of s-xual frustration and being depressed about not getting it that night
i have a bad case of sfd, i wish i could go out but i have date night with netflix and my d-ld-
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