when someoone is too lazy to say they are “shocked and appalled” they will say they are shapalled.
she was shapalled by what he said.
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- shith
1. in old colonial times, it was the correct way to spell what is now known as sh-t. it is a rather fancy way of expressing a feeling in where you have the need to curse. sh-th thou shall cut off his head. art thou deflowered. yes. sh-th.
- shit scurried
verb: be p-ssed off as a result of confusion. person 1: “you’re such a -ss-spelunking cretin!” person 2: “whaaa- you b-tch! you’re such a b-st-rd…?!!” person 1: “don’t get so sh-t scurried you dumb–ss.”
- shithoused
drunk out of your mind i’m so sh-thoused i don’t even remember my name! the next level beyond being just drunk. a state of complete and utter stupidity. hey man, you were so sh-thoused last night you burned your house down. totally hammered= drunk! he was sh-t housed last night at that party this term […]
- Shit's getting vertical!
a term thought up on the patio of an apartment shared by two old college roomates in ohio while a tornado was rolling through so i’ve been told but now is widespread in ohio. it can mean anything and up to… – the weather is getting crazy – the party is getting good – sh-t […]
- Shit Show of Shittery
when everything that will go wrong does go wrong. an event of grand scale of utter sh-t. when all your sh-t of your life is just non-stop, it’s a sh-t show of sh-ttery. my life is a complete sh-t show of sh-ttery !!! what’s with all this sh-t show of sh-ttery happenin’ here ? my […]