a poker donkey is a bad player. the poker donkey will hit their gut shot straight, seven high flush, and miracle full-house after a fourth street flush. the poker donkey is a terrible gambler. the poker donkey will gamble with incorrect odds and hit their miracle card. when the donkey hits his card, you have been sharifed.
a poker donkey does not know any better. donkeys like to play and they will get paid at your expense. you can expect to find a poker donkey at the lower limits of poker. usually they will go on good runs of cards. when the donkey is running good, you have been sharifed.
the donkey will run so good that they will be mistaken that they are actually good at poker and berate other players to their fine playing skills. when that player berates you, you have been sharifed.
donkey calls a preflop raise with 5-5. flop comes all paint and donkey calls pot sized bet. 5 comes on the turn, you have been sharifed.
final table, utg ak suited diamonds raises 3 times the blind. donkey calls with 7-8 offsuit. flop comes 10-8-2, with 2 diamonds. donkey goes all-in, you have been sharifed.
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