Shawnee Mission West
unlike the other lying definitions, shawnee mission west (spoken from a true west kid) is full of druggies, idiots, n-gg-z (not the cool ones, unless they did sports, then they were cool) and ugly fat-sses. the administrators were a complete joke and the “rentacops” were all straight h-m-s-xual, and no that wasn’t gay bashing, it’s honesty. also, we don’t have a great sports record either, we pretty much have the least state championships of any school in the shawnee mission school district.
“oh hey, it’s a shawnee mission west kid.” “yeah, who would wanna be him?”
“so who are we up against?” “shawnee mission west” “we win. not even worth watching”
shawnee mission west the strongest of all shawnee mission schools has beautiful girls and awesome dudes and a beast mascot. it also is one of the best at sports out of all the other shawnee mission schools. their are no gross cliques at west like there are at north west and we aren’t fake alcoholics like the east weirdo’s, we also aren’t low cl-ss druggies like the north kids who think that it’s really special their school is rundown and old. and claiming to be most similar to shawnee mission south we will still beat you in all sports and and have better colors. so in the end why wouldn’t you envy everyone who goes to west? after all west is best!
oh, he must go to shawnee mission west.
shawnee mission west is by far the coolest of the shawnee mission schools. their biggest rival of these schools is shawnee mission east, but west wins every time. because they’re awesome. the mascot is a viking (who was an actual person) as opposed to a lancer (wtf is that anyways?) and overall the smw kids are just cooler.
girl: did you hear about the shawnee mission west vs. shawnee mission east game?
boy: oh yeah, shawnee mission west was dom. they always are.
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