the outer covering of an animal’s p-n-s. it serves as protection for the p-n-s. it can be found on most mammals save for humans and apes. in other creatures a genital slit serves the same purpose (dolphins, whales, reptiles). the sheath can also be referred to as the prepuce or foreskin, all terms are synonomous.
the stallion’s sheath was full of sm-gm- and needed to be cleaned very badly.
v. to have s-xual intercourse, but connoting female empowerment in the act.
n. a v-g-n-
v. {girls drinking tea and reading cosmo together} “sally did you and tom, you know…?” “what, did i sheath him? h-ll yeah i did. i sheathed him good and dirty.”
n. “sally, i want your sheath” “ok, tom, here it is.”
the cover for a sword save the hilt and guard that prevents you or others from accidentally getting cut
qaz:-slaps varg with sheathed sword-
varg:cr-p! that would’ve cut my head off if it wasn’t sheathed!
qaz: :3
adj: describes a particularly shiny and soft head of hair.
arul: your sheath is looking prime today.
laura: gee, thanks! i washed it last night!
maddy: do you think i should cut my hair?
laura: no leave it as it is, it’s such a sheath!
how my sister’s friend refered to her horse’s p-n-s foreskin.
sarah: the vet says your horse needs it’s sheath cleaned. he can do it but i’ll show you how to do it your self, it’s cheaper. -wink-
meliisa: -grins and follows her into the barn-
me: looks at paper that clearly says “foreskin” not “sheath” -gags and runs behind hay bale-
any form of s-xual protection that a male can get his hands on e.g. condom, cling film, crisp packet
girl: don’t you think you better go get a sheath before we go one stage further?
boy: sure thing sweetypie! what flavour do you desire?
girl: hmm… strawberry sundae?
boy: sorry honeybun… i only have ready salted left.
i sheathed my sword to have safe s-x.
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