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  • shenegarsh

    a nickname given to those with parents that ran out of love on child three, as well as names with “sh” in them. i called shenegarsh the other day, she was so high she didn’t realize she answered the phone, while toking up.

  • Keggin'

    keggin’ is an all purpose word that can mean 1. drinking lots of beer out of a keg. 2. subst-tute for “dang”, 3. really cool, 4. derives from the meaning of “wats up” 5. also “keg’” meaning cool person. 1. i kegged’ so much last night so now i have a hangover. 2. shanaynay: omg […]

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    outta control surf ohhhh farrrrrk that was keggin bazzas

  • SchmuckerNuckers

    a stupid explitive. say it in place of profanity. i just spilled nail polish all over my phantom soundtrack!!! “oh schmuckernuckers!!!!”

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