shindiggery is anything that is amazing and goood… if you want 2 know more about the art of shindiggery and many other fun stuff visit on the radio lbc 97.3 fm at 10-1 for iain lee.. who is the funniest man on the radio
“that s-x last night was absolute shindiggery mate!!!”
“and beckham scores an absolute shindiggerous goal!!”
the act of attending or partic-p-ting in a shindig or shindigs.
the pub last night was full of shindiggery.
the act of behaving like a quantum nebulae. often the shin diggery involved with a person is used to describe there size of giant biceps
wow that doug has absoloutly huge shin diggery biceps.
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the pure form of s-xiness. shinju = s-x. only the best of the best shinju yo’. shinju alternatively means the art of hotness or having a extremely big/huge/gigantic p-n-s. also related is shinjuwazkakeazazazazalalala! which you shout out when you’re having a good time. example: doing the bang bang. example 1 guy: hey baby, wanna shinju […]
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adj. a word or phrase that is appropriate for use in all situations. the opposite of omni-inappropriate, a word or phrase that should never be used. bruce: why is my -ss so sore? bobby: stephanie meyer should choke on d-cks and die. bruce: valid point. quite the omnipropriate statement.