
the asian way to spell shiny, meaning bright in appearance.
d-mn that quarter is so shiney!
good, happy, fine, desirable, not too shabby.
meimei, sleep on it tonight and tomorrow it will be shiney, you’ll see
an alternate for cool, created because of an obsession with shiney things, therefore shiney became synonymous with coolness.
a:i got a new phone
b:can i see?
-a shows-
b: shiney!!


a:how are you today?
b:pretty d-mn shiney
a shiney in the school yard refers to football cards, you had swaps and shineys, the shineys were normally silver or gold which you would never ever swap.

you would also sometimes get a limited edition collectible shiney which were the holy grail.

a shiney for grown men uses the same princ-p-l as derived from the school yard but applied to woman, so a swap would be an old trollop normally of easy virtue like those that frequent whitley bay, a shiney would he a beautiful lady that if you were lucky enough to be with you would never ever swap and most men dream of that rare thing a limited edition collectible shiney.

shineys to not have loose morals, mouths like fishwives and count thief s-xual partners in 10’s.

a shiney is very rare and a limited edition collectible shiney is almost extinct especially in whitley bay.
“what a long shift in the door tonight, never mind i am off to see my shiney after work”

“come on see you drinks off and make your way outside and hurry ad i am off to see my limited edition collectible shiney”

“i thought that georgia was a shiney but when i got to know her she turns out to be a limited edition collectible shiney”
also known as ‘shiney liney’

1) making the peace sign over one eye for a photograph.
2) clipping fringe across the forehead in a ‘scene’ fashion.
3) a girl who is infamous for doing both of these things.
“that girl aways does a shiney in pictures!”
“her default is a right shiney.”
really pretty. as in time goes slow and everything else around the shiney person goes misty kind of pretty. (see girly j-panese comics for an example)

also known as sparkly
(spots a hot boy/girl) -gasp- oooh shiney!!
thing moo of ryry in a time and sp-ce beyond this place
woah! look at those shineys, d-mn their everywhere, their everywhere!

is that a shiney on the ceiling?

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