Shinola Kid
someone who doesn’t know the difference between sh-t and shinola
the shinola kid is asking dumb questions again.
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- Shithouse Rat
an opinion concerning another’s mental wellness. “that f-cker’s crazier than a sh-thouse rat.” it doesn’t get any worse then this! that b-tch is as f-cked as a sh-t house rat something or someone that would live in a port-a-potty or an outhouse,freaky,gross that b-tch is uglier than a sh-t house rat shes crazier than a […]
- Faulty Lie
lies that are so bad thay under examination they are proven false adding insult to injury the bush administration is also been known to practice faulty lieing
- Flag the ship
when a man has s-x with a woman who is pregnant with another man’s baby. 1. if you try to flag the ship, i’ll f-cking break your -ss. 2. baby, don’t tell me you let someone flag the ship!
- Fool.I.Am
mockery of the imbecilic name “” from the black eyed peas. did you see that idiot on oprah last week? is more appropriate.
- shit hunger
the weirdest possible state of confusion in people. it’s when you’re really hungry, but at the same time you really need to take a sh-t. while jon was taking a m-ssive sh-t, all he could think about was devouring a twinkie. he realized he had sh-t hunger.