an adjective to describe something to do with romantic relationships, especially by fans of tv shows to descricibe a romantic moment between 2 characters. fans of a certain tv shows’ romantic moments are called a
that scene with drake and mandy is so shippy.
where there seems to be an emotional connection or s-xual tension between two characters from fiction, as if they could be in a relationship. shippy scenes can inspire shipping.
that hug was so shippy… ash and misty are made for each other…
a person that lives the lifestyle of a hippy at the expense of other more responsible people; a sh-tty hippy.
he enjoys peaceful living as long as it doesn’t involve working or paying rent.
yeah, he’s a shippy.
a person who, at every opportunity, mentions an achievement they are proud of in every conversation.
andrew: shaun, you coming round then?
james: hey, did i ever tell you i once climbed mount everest
shaun: yeah, for god sake james, your such a shippy.
a adjective describing someone who is always stoned/drunk. can also be used to describe someone who has serious, serious add
a noun that can be given to someone who is a b-m and is always occupied trying to find ways of getting stoned/drunk.
“that fool was acting pretty shippy during last nights party”
“d-mn, another shippy p-ssed out on my yard”
“i saw two shippies selling meth in an alley”
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