shit for brains
1. stupid. careless.
2. a person evincing these characteristics.
1. “what a sh-t for brains thing to do.”
2. “that sh-t for brains bob left the oven on when he left for jamaica.”
an idiot; one who seems to have sh-t instead of brains, thus severely limiting their thought capacity.
hey sh-t-for-brains, you f-cked up again didn’t you?
a stupid person, does not actualy refer to anyone actualy having sh-t in their skull.
“g-d d-mn it, you really do have sh-t for brains dont ya?!”
noun; any animal having sh-t subst-tuted for brains in the region of the skull: a direct result of having ones head up ones -ss
that jim is one of the dumbest mother f-ckers i know. what a f-cking “sh-t for brains”.
it means that someone is extremely stupid that they don’t have a functional brain, instead they have sh-t (meaning nothing) where their brain is supposed to be.
person # 1: where the h-ll is ray?
person # 2: i don’t know, i don’t think he’s coming tonight.
person # 1: he’s such a f-cking idiot, he’s ruining it for me too, i swear he has sh-t for brains!”
a sh-t for brains is usually heavily r-t-rded, or this is this a gross understatement? my 40 year old sister thinks that electric cookers run off gas and she doesn’t have a clue how much anything is at poundland. she isn’t just thick, she has sh-t for brains. fancy calling your kids skip? toad? soil? and d-ld-? f-cking stupid sh-t for brains b-tch notwithstanding, she has very recently learnt to write her own name. need i say more? she’s a sh-t for brains. she’s an -ss wipe. she’s a lude crude rude bag of pre chewed food, dude. she has the only house that you are more likely to slip on a t-rd inside, than outside in the street. sh-t for brains also live in sh-t and furthermore never clean the toilet.
a sh-t for brains live in a smashed up stone henge’s of a house, complete with boarded windows and big black and white checks up the walls. gone is the stone furniture, gone is the scabies. she is a sh-t for brains along with her brand new silver woodwork and a purple wall. sh-t for brains totally f-cking ruin houses, no sh-t. sh-t for brains live off pot noodle, frozen pizza, done in microwaves, check that grease and get p-ssed every day on anything remotely alcoholic. sh-t for brains go out with or marry guys called andy, who are also well and truly sh-t for brains!
a serious medical condition where fecal matter has replaced brain matter. dangerous, but with low mortality rate.
symptoms: verbal diarrhea, poor decision making skills and acne.
cure: there is no known cure, recommend quarantine from general populace.
exhibit a: george w bush – ran up a big bill, couldn’t find a wmd or osama in 2 terms.
exhibit b: everyone who voted for him.
exhibit c: most politicians.
usage: your alcoholic dad has sh-t for brains, you are a credit to the family.
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