lightweight pretenders to the glitterati, a social set consisting of people who posess no talent or wisdom who become ‘celebrities’ by -ssociation, or through removing their clothes.
anybody ‘made good’ through television, such as gameshow hostesses, weathermen or girls, girl or boyfriends or spouses of famous sportspeople, subjects of kiss-and-tell exposes (monica lewinsky for clinton, rebecca loos for david beckham, ad nauseam), soap stars, former underwear and ‘glamor’ models…
these people will never be a-listers; they are the sh-tterati.
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down to smoke a black and mild!! dtsabam?? yeeeeah, girl!
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- Shit Vomit
the rare timing of when poison leaves your body from both orfaces. extra points for doing it at the same time. sh-t vomit; sh-t after vomiting or vomiting after sh-tting. it doesnt count if at anytime you leave the bathroom.
- Shlingy
the word acts as a replacement for nouns and general abstract “things” you just can’t remember their definitions. usually its not that there is no word to express the certain noun, for example, “chair”, but at the moment of creating the grammer of the whole sentence, it slips out of your mind. that’s where “shlingy” […]