meaning something is harsh, out of order, not right.
used alot in the town middlesbrough.
freddo – ” dia ya here what happend to our dog? it got out of the garden and that lad whos l-ss i sh-gged ran over it in one of them plaggy three wheeler f-ckin pencil sharpener cars, proper shockin’ as f-ck.”
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- shoddy
socially acceptable alternative to “sh-tty” bob’s car is shoddy- it breaks down every five minutes and the one mirror he has left keeps falling off. like sketchy, but a bit more creepy and rundown. ew that old shoddy guy is checking you out! i wouldn’t go in there… looks pretty shoddy. an adjective used to […]
- shoe comet
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- Shodolo
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- shooting the walrus
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