
while a woman is being fisted she engages her kegels, stands up and spins around in a circle until she releases the fister, flinging him across in the manner of a shotput.
-holy cr-p man! i’m never going to fist a b-tch again.
-what do you mean?
-i was fisting my girl and she got p-ssed.
-so what happened then?
-so she gets p-ssed and she f-ckin’ shotputs me across the room!
-harsh, dude, i hope you learned your lesson.
the anti-track sport because it requires no endurance whatsoever. most guys on the shot put team are football players who get bored in the spring or football players that can’t cut it in baseball any more.
dude nick just threw 52’6. hes going to the state finals for shot put.

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