to freak out or spaz over something.
wow that guy is shraybing.
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- bottom-fisher
a person that is inclined toward the act of -n-lingus. commonly used in -ssociation with boys – and girls – that derive extreme pleasure and uncontained excitement from tossing salad. also known to be used in reference to certain individuals that come down with hepat-tis of the a complex or oral herpes. did you see […]
- Shreepy
usually used as an alternative, cutesy and almost baby-speak term for ‘sleepy’. looking at anyone/anything that is almost asleep, or referring to yourself: (a half asleep puppy, or animal, is one example.) ‘sooo shreepy…’ or ‘aww, shreepy.’ or ‘aw, they’re shreepy.’ and other variations.
- bowlio
when you end up smoking so much weed that you can’t move. your body becomes paralyzed from being stoned. “yooo make me a turkey sandwich while your up” “dude, your legs aren’t broken. get it yourself” “i can’t, i have bowlio”
- bowl muffin
a well formed m-ffin shaped t-rd. honey, i left you a fresh bowl m-ffin in the toilet.
- C.A.T.S.
chronic -ss taking syndrome guy 1: dude, sorry, i heard you have c.a.t.s. guy 2: yeah, for like 3 years? why? are you allergic? guy 1: haha. f-g. guy 1: i had a c.a.t. scan today. guy 2: they diagnosed you with c.a.t.s., didn’t they?