
another name for a tobacco cigarette
hey man, can i b-m a shtee?

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    to steal food when the eater is not looking i got up to grab a beer and someone shulla’ed my taco bell

  • shwerbak

    arabic term for your moustache, usually taken as an insult if said in a derogatory sense.meaning f-ck you moustache(since it is such an important symbol in the arab culture,especially syrian).its like saying your mother. you:hey omar omar;what do u want now? you:shwerbak #2 you:look at that guy your friend:(screaming to the random guy) shwerbak

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    (skate r-t-rd) a r-t-rded person who skateboards only because of thier lack of brain power to do anything else. “you’re such a skatard.”

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    when you have a sweat sack ingmar and sebastian have very shwety sacks during history cl-ss

  • skatz

    a slang term used instead of ‘goodbye’ or ‘cya’. derived from ‘skaddatle’ the term is used often around slums and streets. 1. skatz ya later 2. f-ck, we gotta skatz it (scaz):skatzbag,skatzeroo, skatzarazz – a person usually living in alberta or western canada much used in newfoundland because they are sick of albertans calling them […]

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