the act of telling someone to be quiet because they have diaherrea of the mouth.
why are you talking sh-t? shutuppayouface!
italian mob slang for shut your face or shut your lips.
while breaking the legs of a business -ssociate, two-tonne tony was begged to reconsider his actions, to which he replied “you shut uppa you face.”
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- Shuzzed
shuzzed; the feeling of being high 1.”alyssa and erin felt shuzzed after the large bag of weed they smoked.” 2. e:”dude i feel so shuzzed right now.” a:”yeah i know, i drugged your drink.”
- shwhack
in a video game, to shoot and whack an enemy simultaneously. dude i was playing halo the other day and this guy ran at me but i shwhacked him.
- trevor-rig
a situation where someone, despite how kick -ss and all that they p-ss themselves off to be, has the unique ability to destroy something every time they touch it… the intention to destroy is not there, but generally anything they touch to modify, fix, show off by demonstrating how “tough” it is or just to […]
- hannahbee
someone sl-tty who’s absolutely obsessed with b-tts. constantly checking out mens b-ttocks and rating them. a very picky b-tt-lover! obsessed with a male’s three gluteal muscles! that chick there, over there, down yonder, with that guy with the great -ss, that chick, she’s a f-ckin’ hannahbee! -i asked hannah out and she rejected me. when […]
a mouth-watering snack which originated in syracuse ny at a local cafe and quickly took the area by storm. the exact ingredients of this mouth-watering confection are unknown, but a chstuh is known to contain chocolate and walnuts. the young lad ordered two chstuh’s to eat for dessert.