a situation that ends up involving ghosts, robots, aliens or other random elements and possibly a plot twist.
dude a: “i am glad we have been fighting reverse werwolf vampires at this seemingly innocent roller rink in the year 3000.”
dude b: “yeah all that advice from my dead uncle really came in handy during the time traveling portion of our adventures.”
dude a: “i am a ghost and i have herpes. you just got shyamalaned!!!”
(verb): to mind rape something and turn it inside out. to strip something of everything beautiful about it. to take something totally awesome, and completely, utterly f-ck it up. named for the director m. night shyamalan.
dayum, the last airbender has been shyamalaned so badly that it’s making me bleed from every orifice.
i was making a sculpture of the eiffel tower, and i realized i totally shyamalaned it when it came out looking like sarah jessica parker.
wow, mary just totally shyamalaned her work project. she’ll never work again!
the olive garden has pretty much shyamalaned all italian food.
when things appear to be going fine, then take a terrible turn for the worst. based off of the style of writing/directing of filmmaker m. night shyamalan, a proponent of twist endings.
dude, i was about to hook it up with this hot girlie, but then it turned out she was a dude. there were a lot of signs that suggested she was a dude, but i overlooked them; in hindsight it all makes sense. i just got shyamalaned.
to create an absurd and unfitting hypothetical twist to a given situation, usually to annoy the person with whom you are conversing. occasionally followed with a declaration of the act.
shyamalanee: i heard bill got real drunk last night.
shyamalaner: …or maybe his brain was actually replaced by alien zombies who have been living secretly in a hidden bunker in new jersey for decades! you just got shyamalaned!
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