by far the s-xiest men in the world — dark brown wavy hair, deep warm brown eyes, solid build, and true romantics. their culture is rich, and they have strong family values. find a good one, and you will be satisfied forever.
the most virile men are sicilian men, who are gorgeous both inside and out.
(this coming from a blonde-haired, blue-eyed norwegian girl!)
not an italian. there is a difference.
if i’m from sicily, i’m sicilian, not italian. c’mon people, it’s not that f-ckin hard.
the island south of italy and north of africa with the greatest culture in the world.
the examples are endless, look it up on google or something.
n. a native or inhabitant of sicily.
adj. of or pertaining to sicily or its inhabitants
a sicilian swam from sicily to calabria.
i’d like a sicilian pie, please.
contrary to popular opinion, not all sicilians are dark, so by saying, and i quote,
“they have features like dark curly hair, thick eyebrows and lips, and olive colored skin. anyone from a place in the mediteranean sea shoud have those features”
you are wrong and you have obviously never spent a lot of time in the mediterranean or in sicily because most sicilians are a mix, as the island was conquered by many different types of people. there are plenty of blond, blue and light sicilians, just as many as black and dark and curly. minchia!
chi talii, sugnu sicula! what are you lookin at, i’m sicilian!
don’t mess, they’ll kill your -ss. the toughest and most bad -ss men, the hottest chicks. def the best italians which is really saying alot.
sicilian girl’s got the best moves, but i wouldn’t mess with their fams
people who hail from the mediterranean island of sicily, which today belongs to italy. sicilians have a very diverse cultural heritage which is more than just merely italian, hence the distinction that some often make between sicilians and italians. in addition to italian ancestry/cultural influence, sicilians also have greek, phoenician, arab, norman, french, and spanish ancestry/cultural influences.
as such, sicilians are arguably ethnically distinct from italians, despite the fact that sicily is part of italy and its people are nowadays italian-speaking catholics. due to the heavier greek ancestry and also the presence of phoenician/arab ancestry, sicilians are known for being somewhat darker than most other italians, and have more pr-nounced mediterranean facial features (i.e. fuller lips, thicker eyebrows, larger noses, etc.). however, sicilians may also have blond/red hair, light eyes, and fair skin courtesy of norman, french, or northern italian ancestors. still other sicilians look like an average italian (brown hair/hazel eyes and “roman” features).
although most sicilians today speak standard italian, the traditional sicilian language was considered by linguists to be different enough from standard italian to be its own romance language, albeit with greek, arab, french, spanish, and other influences due to the many conquerors/settlers that arrived in sicily.
1st guy: al pacino is probably the greatest italian-american actor of all time. and that maria grazia cucinotta model chick is soo hot!!
2nd guy: no they’re really not italians actually, but sicilians. for the record, joe dimaggio was also sicilian-american.
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