to shamefully fail at something bravely boasted about moments earlier.
after forcing everyone to wake early for first ski runs, ian sigalowed and left the mountain before lunch complaining of alt-tude sickness.
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- siggwin
to cause distress or terror in a sleeping priest’s dreams. i am so going to siggwin you tonight, father jones.
- silenzio
silenzio means silence, be quiet, or as i like to put it “shut the f-ck up!” store clerk says “that aint no etch a sketch.. thats one doodle that cant be undid homeskillet” juno says “silenzio old man!”
- Simocide
the act of murdering sims for pleasure and/or prophet “i got bored with my sims so i commited simocide on him for my amus-m-nt.”
- simon ese
mexican spanish phrase meaning loosely (and undeniably), “of course, dude!” “are you going out with that hot latina chick?” “simon ese!”
- sincparody
something so ridiculous as to appear to be a parody, but is, in fact, created with sincere intentions. “the new hasbro oozinator squirt gun is a total sincparody.”