simply stated, ‘sig’d’{note the lowercase letters} is the past-tense of the noun ‘sig’ (even though it is, as a verb, more frequently put into the declarative past-tense: sig’d). used on primarily gf(gamefaqs) and gs(gamespot), by gf’rs and gs’rs, naturally.
from: errdtk | posted: 7/26/2009 10:21:19 pm | message detail
yeeep… this is an example.
one who knows nothing can understand nothing.
from: bosgfs | posted: 7/26/2009 10:22:32 pm | message detail
yeeep… this is an example.
exclamation made my immature preteens on gamefaqs message boards when someone replies to a post in a comical manner. then placed in the user’s signature.
user1: “attn ghey menz”
user2: “sig’d!
– attn ghey menz – user1”
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