someone/thing that has bare amounts of coolness, to the extent that they are beyond just sik. created by the sikhead students of heathside school, and used as often as possible.
‘what a sikhead’
look at my new socks
‘whata sikhead’
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- U-Bitch
where a man has a s-xual relationship with a b-tch, leaves the b-tch, and then gets back together the b-tch. justin: hey man i can’t hang out tonight. kyle: why? justin: im hanging out with rachel again. kyle: dude, don’t pull a u-b-tch!
- ubitchitous
the ever-present b-tch some rando gurl: yo, make me a sandwich. s-xy guy: gurrrrrrl, you ub-tchitous! b-tches be everywhere!
- Ubitchuous
the act of being unnecessarily b-tchy. gratuitous b-tchiness. sarah palin can be so f-cking ub-tchuous.
- ubitchyquitous
adj. always b-tchy about everything. a person who complains about everything, is at cross with everything, nothing seems right to them. a person who is always – 1. malicious, spiteful, or overbearing. 2. in a bad mood; irritable or cranky “can’t talk to her about anything without attracting a snide remark. she is so ub-tchyquitous.” […]
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