someone of great nature, beauty, ediquette, and intellegent.a freaking goddess. she’s absolutely gorgeous, and truly amazing. she is known for making people melt on the inside when they see her. she’s extremely s-ssy and in some cases people see her as petty. she a sweet person but it’s not a good idea to get on her bad side. she isn’t afraid to speak her mind or be herself. usually has all the boys even thought she thinks she’s ugly. she’s the friend you call at 2am when you need someone to tell you that everything’s going to be ok. she is an immediate soul mate, before you even have the time to realize it. once you get her, never let her go.
i wanna be a simoryah
a word used to describe the most beautiful girl in the world.she’s extremely cool and yet prideful. never liking to admit things is her worst problem. if you ever come across a simoryah, be thankful. simoryah’s also give the greatest kisses, which are rare but when it comes to it, they’re a natural at it. they’re usually really athletic and are in all honors cl-sses because they’re so smart. simoryah can be somewhat scary and harsh when you first meet them, but after awhile, you’d feel so close you’d practically die for her. <3
you are such a simoryah
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