Simple Plan
one of the worst bands that ever graced the face of the earth. the singer’s squeaky voice makes me shove screwdrivers up my ears. they think that their life “sucks”, but they don’t know what a bad life is. how about you go and live in some 3rd world country or africa with it’s extreme poverty and actually understand when a life “sucks”.
suburban kid with rich parents: omfg!!! my life sucks so much!
me: shut up.
simple plan = simpletons.
they are a whiny band that b-tches about how ‘horrible’ and ‘tragic’ their life is. no one cares except for their legions of self-pitying fans who feel they can truly connect with simpleton’s ‘deep’ and ‘inspiring’ ‘music’.
perhaps the simpletons should stop singing about the sh-tfullness of their lives and try the lives of the thailand hooker, the physically abused child, the aids sufferer, the orphaned refugee boy and the wrongly accused. there’s something true, real and honestly painful to sing about.
“the simpletons should apologise for the bad music they’ve leaked throughout the world and then hurridely committ suicide.”
peice of sh-t band that sucks my left nut
simple plan sucks my left nut
a pop-punk band formed in montreal, canada. great guys that don’t deserve all the sh-t that people give. they write their lyrics through the eyes of their fans and therefor (despite popular belief) are not “complaining”. the members are great guys and they’re probably one of the best live shows out there today. doesn’t anybody have anything better to do today than make fun of bands they absolutely “can’t stand”?
so simple plan is musically talented and they’re very down-to-earth. stop hatin’.
me: hey what are you doing?
kid with no life: oh nothing.. just devoting a ton of time writing this definition about simple plan (whom i can’t stand) and bashing on all their fans because they’re just teenyboppers… when i could be listening to the bands i do like or maybe even going outside and getting off the d-mn computer.
me: stfu.
possibly the biggest, most gaping no talented, monotone v-g-n-s with guitars;
simple plan can quit b-tching about their tough lives and get music lessons.
1. a plan that’s simple.
2. a band from canada responsible for hits like “i’m just a kid”, “i’d do anything”, “addicted”, “perfect”, “shut up”, “welcome to my life” and “unt-tled” (which has a drunk driving themed video) well hated by people who think its not “real” or “quality” music
1. hey, i got a simple plan for you.
2. simple plan coming up next on 103.5 kiss fm.
adults who cry about their fathers and play “punk rock” featured on nickelodeon
syn: blink 182, good charlotte, sum41
they played that simple plan song during the credits for rugrats. they’re pretty hardcore, man.
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