the act of quoting various lines and script from “the simpsons” repeatedly at any given moment when whatever is happening somehow reminds you of a simpsons episode out of the hundreds of episodes you have memorized and cataloged in your brain. usually this condition is uncontrollable and the quoter becomes a redundant speaking creature becoming closer still to using simpsons quotes as a means of communication instead of language. these verbal regurgitates are met with varying reactions depending on whether the receiving party feels like joining in the quote-age. some may recognize the quote but dismiss it, while others have been known to comment negatively on it, and then there are those unfortunate enough to not know what on earth you are talking about. these poor souls are to be pitied for their lack of simpsonology. remained unchecked this condition can potentially spiral out of control until the person is left believing the simpsons’ universe is real, becomes completely unpredictable and repeatedly sings the itchy and scratchy song.
hi diddly ho neighborino!
okally doakilly! or get lost flanders!
ay caramba!
ugh . . . john is quoting the simpsons again.
would a coward do this? bye!!
um . . . what?
simpson eh? excellent.
dude stop doing that!
hey hey huuhuhauhauha!!!
okally doakilly doo!!
thank you! come again!
where’s my danish?! yoink! yoink?
i’m smarter than the devil! i’m smarter than the devil!
you are not smarter than me!!
everybody loves ned flanders!
not me!
g-dd-mn bob you really got a bad case of simpsonsquoteitis.
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