an intensely minatory term for a left-handed individual. slurs of this nature have successfully been held up in court as grounds for acts of violence in self-defense.
“i saw some sinsta in the bar playing pool with his left hand, so i took him outside and lynched him.”
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the religion of being single, being awesome and being a sleeze 24-7, 365. catholics have catholicism, the awesome singles have single-ism
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same as the leaky roof except the recipient gags on the s-m-n drops and vomits. jason got a flooded bas-m-nt from david.
- del3030
young guy who lives at pool hall, and is a webdesigner/artist. likes to smoke alota pot. a.k.a young hustler. hey is that del3030 hustling that guy for an once of pot.
- devil toes
red irritated toes; usually on an adult female that has just taken off her high heal shoes. i looked down at her feet and i saw devil toes.
- Lydecker
1. waldo lydecker- ill-mannered drama critic in a movie staring clifton web’ 2.pseudonym of an ill-mannered former gunwriter. “speir belives himself to be the custodian of critical and original thought but swiped his nom-de-plume from clifton webb.”