
oh, that sjsjus is hot
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  • mailwa

    someone who is idolistic and ladies w-nk over him. this is someone who can steal your girl without saying a word. aside from that he is a perfect role model and is always looked up to like the idol he is. many try to be him but can’t relate to such awesomeness i wish i […]

  • davik

    davik is a sweet guy who prides himself in his beard. he spends his money too quickly, but not on himself. he loves his siblings with all if his heart. he will never hurt you. i’m dating a davik really oh you’re so lucky buy the domain for your recipe site

  • brynnin

    a fun loving, hard working woman, who makes everyone feel loved and makes them work hard, these fun loving human beings are always organised and keep you on your toes. you would be happy to have them in your life “brynnin is so organised it’s amazing!!!” buy the domain for your cat blog

  • brown chicken pow pow

    brown chicken pow pow is a term coined by the community surrounding crested b-tte. the term describes the undeniably s-xy appeal of boatloads of fresh snow falling on one of nature’s most majestic creations-mount crested b-tte. when the powder flies in crested b-tte, everyone sings “brown chicken pow pow!” “i’m calling in sick to ski […]

  • neited

    1. an emotional experience only a nerd gets when excited. 2. nerd excitement 3. experiencing excitement due to an activity, event, conversation, or mental thought that is socially accepted as nerdy john and his fellow group of nerds become neited with the release of the new star wars trailor. although susan isn’t considered a nerd, […]

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