the way a true emc master tells one that he is leaving.
“skiya dude”
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- skoinkle
derogatory term for a male or female, implying lower-cl-ss status, filthy, slovenly, poor hygiene, or some sort of ugliness. may also imply promiscuity, but not necessarily. can apply to any race. you see that guy there? what a skoinkle — eww!
- skroddlin
v. when a small hampster hides in one’s gliggens area. n-gg- this hampster be skroddlin
- Skrimped
not tipping. this term can be attributed to the individuals who order “skrimp” instead of shrimp. in addition to not tipping these individuals are also likely be the biggest pain in the -ss customers of the day. working in a service position and getting skrimped is most likely to occur around the first of the […]
- skum run
going for a grog run and paying with coins. shortened to ‘sk-mmer’/’sk-mming’. (if you’re purchasing rum, it becomes a ‘rum sk-m run’, which becomes increasingly difficult to say each time you go for one.) — dude 1: man, grog shop closes in 15 minutes and i can’t find my 20 bucks! dude 2: f-ck the […]
- bleen
a number between 6 and 7. “the n-bel prize in mathematics was awarded to a california professor who has discovered a new number! the number is bleen, which he claims belongs between 6 and 7.” –george carlin a number between six and seven. bleen is not 6.5 and may be counted as an integer in […]