Skyline High School
misunderstood. people perceive skyline to be a place of stuck up b-tches and a bunch of jerk guys. yeah, lets face it, theres some of those everywhere. skyline has just as many kids on paid lunches as other schools. skyline is actually a really hard school and not everyone is rich by any means. and yeah, hate skyline because of there sports them, but its not like skyline is gonna try any less at athletics because people don’t like them. that would be stupid.
i hate skyline high school. they beat us at football.
a school that thinks they are really bad-ss but are just a bunch of stuck up white f-ckers. the sports teams are good but their fan base sucks -ss. couldnt handle the 4a atmosphere so they decided to be p-ss-es and go back down to 3a cause they know that they would have gotten owned by eastlake in ’06
those skyline high school kids always braggin but aint got no spirit
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