slapping bitches
a new recreation that has recently become very popular in the recent generations of teenagers and men in their 20’s.
in today’s world, respect and power reigns supreme. as women have gained rights, they have begun to take advantage of their status as individuals and have begun to demand things like equality and jobs. these women think they have souls and are beginning to demand that men cater to their every whim. there are times when a woman is yelling at your face and becomes very annoying. in situations like these, the best solution is simply to slap the b-tch. this is where the term b-tch slap originated.
unfortunately, we live in a dark time and these women have become more demanding than ever. b-tch slapping has become a recreation.
josh: hey, what’s rob doing tonight?
sam: oh, he’s slapping b-tches.
according to the rules of certain popular video games, a requirement to advance to the next stage of the particular game.
“dude, if i wanna get to the next level in this video game, i hafta start slapping b-tches. i think i need to whack like four more.”
if you would like to know more about slapping b-tches please contact kev ‘the b-tch slapper’ @ the blackmiths arms, he is well experianced b-tch slapper. he has no prejudice for the b-tches he slaps, he slaps them all equally hard.
kev never gets tired of slapping b-tches
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