perfect in manner; sharp, attentive, having perfect answers for virtually all questions, and, of course, large amounts of gel in hair.
“that’s why they call me slick.”
smooth, cool, awesome.
luke is so slick
cool, original, something (a task etc) that has been well done
mate that was slick.
southern (memphis) slang word. it is used as a descriptor adjective from “kinda, sorta, a little bit” to “very much, really”–depends on context
“hey, let’s go to burger king”
“i slick hate that spot, mane. how ’bout taco bell?”
“hey how long you been dating chuck?”
“about a year; we slick in love!”
sly, sneaky, ninja
someone who does something underhanded without getting caught.
i got a slick kill in unreal when i droped a teleporter at a resp-wn spot and telefraged him when he resp-wned.
a. smooth, cool, seemingly effortless
b.can be used in sarcasm
a. admirer: that was so slick!
b. onlooker: slick. you just fell on your face.
automotive racing tires that have no tread pattern to maximize grip.
a good set of slicks are required if you want to get serious about drag racing
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