slope slop
racist word for asian food
“hey matt what do you want for dinner?”
“dial up some slope slop.”
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- Slumberjacked
gettin your sh-t stole cause you fell asleep. d-mn, what a night! i got totally slumberjacked! i met this girl in the club and went back to her place and partied till i p-ssed out. but when i woke up i realized i didnt have my wallet or my iphone.
- Slumdog Shit Bus
a mode of transport for the poorer person. ‘u gettin a taxi into town mate?’ ‘nah mate i’m poor i’m jumpin on the slumdog sh-t bus’
- Slurp 'n' burp
it’s the action of engaging in oral activates with anothers genitals. so what’s up with all that talk, are you going to give me some slurp and burp.
- Slut cake
sl-t cakes is a term used to describe a female that looks very s-xy and delicious. one who you would want to lick her all over because she looks tasty like a cake of your favorite flavor. alexis looked so hot today, gosh she is a lil sl-t cake. colorful term used when providing examples […]
- sluzbucket
a milder version of the expletive ‘sl-t’, which is most commonly used in relation to females or more generally, any person who is getting on your nerves. is commonly found in awesome foursome (a group of four close friends) conversation and is a well-known road rage related term. for example: 1. that sluzbucket just cut […]