slut pucky
is a hockey groupy that follows hockey players from arena to arena and fluffs them in the penalty box, doing them unconditionally on or off the ice. doggy style is perferred after the game whether they are sweaty or not and sm-gm- is of no concern.
“sl-t pucky”
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- Smart Dumbfuck
1. an -sshole who is very intelligent but likes to p-ss people off by acting r-t-rded. usually hated by everyone. extremely f-cking annoying. 2. the annoying son of a b-tch who sits behind you and makes some f-cking weird noise and kicks your chair, and then turns around and gets an a+ on some calculus […]
- smelba
a synonym for every word. you can use it as a noun, adjective, verb, or anything else you can think of. quit being such a smelba. i’m gonna get a smelba to put up your -ss. let’s go smelba in the dumpster. smelba you later! this sucks major smelba. smelba b-tch!
- smart smart
someone that’s really smart. destiny is so smart smart, she knows everything.
- Smelmet
noun or verb (used with object) when riding on the back of my motorcycle and visor of the driver’s helmet is open, the person riding on back farts into their cupped hand and quickly (to preserve integrity of fart scent) delivers said fart into the helmet and promptly slams the visor shut. extra points if […]
- smexiful
a mix of s-xy and beautiful with a cool little ‘m’ thrown in for fun =d word created by kina girl 1:”that new guy is so s-xy” girl 2:”are you kidding? he’s beautiful!” girl 1:”s-xy!” girl 2:”beautiful!” girl 3:”alright, let’s settle it this way: he’s smexiful.” its basically a word that can be used 2 […]