a style of typing used mostly by female chavs in the united kingdom, sl-tspeak can be found on social networking sites, in instant messaging conversations, and occasionally is even written on paper or walls. it looks somewhat unattractive.
common features of this include:
1: doubling up on vowels. example: “ii lovee youu<3".
2: deliberate misspellings: "hii babess yhuur so s-xcee!"
3: lack of proper punctuation. this can be seen above. the only punctuation used is an exclamation mark, and that is only used in situations which don't seem to require it.
4: using msn keyboard shortcuts in places where they won't display an emoticon: "omg ii luuuuve b-sshunter (8) now yhuur gone ii keep waiitin heeree by the phonee (8)"
the following is a sentence written entirely in sl-tspeak.
"omg hiiiii ii lhuuuuve urban dictionariii its the bestoozz!! and speakiin of bestoozz shouts ouut to maii bestoo bexxah i luuuurve yhuu girl!!!! (8) shoppiiin on mondaii cant w8!!!! "
online phrases and words that every middle schooler finds cool and must use.
girl talking to friend on aim-
rach, so omg,
mi mom tells me that lyk, im so grounded!!
this lyk so fkin sux!!
lolz, sry, im just toatzz maaaad bout it!!
srsly, im lyk what 2 do now?!?
response- stop with the sl-t speak! we do have a language you know, it's called english. lyk, ya know?!
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