sl-t + a c-m bucket
dude this girl was a smucket, she let me f-ck her on the first date and bust in her mouth
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smufo is the ad libbed acronym for the sunday morning union of fun and -rg-sm, a spontaneous event that has become an inst-tution. smufo is an ancient human activity, that some behaviorists have noted occurs throughout the natural (animal) world. until recently smufo was an undefined act of physical bonding between two humans (animals) involving […]
- snow crab
a person that dislikes winter so much that they are constantly in a grumpy mood throughout the entire season. during the cold winter months they have a lack of patience and are very irritable, especially on a day with lots of snow. during the other seasons they are jolly people, but the cold brings out […]
- socialist business class
the half–ssed attempt by european airlines to offer a premium airline seat by sticking a f-cking piece of plastic between two economy cl-ss seats. sn-bby business pr-cks who sit at the front of the plane still get to sip on a drink and judge the m-sses as they are herded to the back of the […]
- Sociotard
(soh-see-oh-tard) a person generaly lacking in social skills and/or the ability to properly interact with normal people. usually someone you work with exhibiting ridiculous stories, statements and other behavior that just make you scratch your head. did you hear that crazy story about secret rubber soled shoes that let you climb walls and sh-t chad […]
- sock it to
(verb) primarilly used as s-xual inuendo in referring to the delivery of s-x. alternatively used in referrence to the delivery of a punch or delivery of a phrase. delivery of: (s-x) – oh my g-d girl, my pune is throbbing so bad after last night!! my boy martin really socked it to me! (punch) – […]