one who attains self serving ends through (highly)p-ssive aggressive means. also applies to phsyical acts; i.e. line cutting.
1. purposefully failing to cc a coworker on an email applying to that coworker’s area of work (keeping them out of the loop for whatever reason). telling the colleague you “forgot to add them” and apologizing profusely is an intregal part being a sniveler in this situation.
2.) driving to the front of long lines of traffic waiting to, for example, get on a bridge or merge into a lane on the road. hovering at the last possible point of entry long enough until some poor shmuck feels bad for you and lets you ahead of them. this is the ultimate sniveler move during rush hour traffic.
3. throwing a piece of laundry into someone else’s wash (sniveling it in)
4. sniveling the last diet c-ke out of the office fridge but leaving the empty box. thus receiveing the benefit of the last diet c-ke while:
1.) shirking the responsibility for trashing the c-mbersome box and deciding whether or not it should be recylcled
2. avoiding being labeled as generally greedy for taking the last one
(noun) pr-nounced with a hard ‘i’ sound
1. a person who is conniving, and manipulates situations or people for their own benefit. selfish. (insult)
2. friendly jab at mutilative, often crafty behavior which is self serving, selfish.
3. someone who pleads, whines, begs for something, which they don’t deserve.
originated in pueblo, co skateboard culture in the late 80’s when an overeducated medical student attempted to insult a young skateboarder by calling him a sniveler (soft ‘i’ sound), a college dictionary word meaning a whiner, complainer, i.e. the zorlac skateboard motto of the time ‘shut up and skate’. instead, a new word was born out of the manipulative behavior that was going on at the same time, likely borrowing money in a whining voice, maybe related to the use here of sniveller. sniveler expanded in meaning to include behavior such as people stealing tips off tables to pay for their coffee, and any behavior that was self serving, or selfish. while an inside joke, term with skateboarders, it has since expanded coast to coast.
okay, this isn’t fair, you owe more money on the bill, don’t be such a sniveler!
dude, i don’t like that guy, he is such a sniveler, always borrowing my stuff and never returning it. i think he sold that deck he borrowed.
he really should be paying rent for how long he has been crashing here, total sniveler.
did you hear that guy running for office, what a sniveler.
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