rude, usually with an air of sophistication.
dino asked ernie for aid with the difficult homework -ssignment, but ernie replied with a snotty comment about dino’s italian heritage.
simular to the word sn-bby meaning conceited. however someone who is snotty is also very crude and rude.
that mcdonalds employee had such a snotty att-tude.
a snotty is a gl-ss pipe used for smoking marijuana generally, though i have heard people using it to smoke crack cocaine.
hey andrew, you got your snotty on you?
refering to a particular gl-ss blower by the name of snodgr-ss, hailing from oregon, known for making the best gl-ss pipe artwork that you can find on the market today.
this piece is a snodgr-ss, it’s tight huh?
to be -rs-y with someone.
when i said he was gay he got all snotty with me.
to fall and hurt one’s self really badly
“sh-t i jst embars-ssd myself n fell in a right snotty”
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