spanasian or spnazn
a person who has one spanish and one asian parent
synonyms: hasian,latinasian
me: i can speak spanish and urdu.
you: what do they call those?
me: spanasian or spnazn, duh. your obiously a blonde…
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skeeze + jesus 1.) a man with long dirty hair and a pedofile beard. usually looks to be unclean. has the physical qualities like jesus christ on crystal meth. dan: man, look at that dude at the bus station.. joe: i know, that guy is such a skesus..
we are and were the first original pinup anti-racist,gender equality based organization that is global..our message is strong and direct. educate the m-sses by movement and music. founded in early 2007.nonprofit,trademarked organization that boxes on behalf of charity.promotes bands,festivals,hosts events and supports the diy movement. pinup models for a cause!skinbyrdpinups trademark logo is “best boot […]
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verb. to -j-c-l-t- on one’s partner while spooning due to a nocturnal emission. i’m sorry i sleaffed on you last night, babe.
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the capability of slurring. a smear that’s clear or plain to see. don’t slear your words now. that typo is slear. there is a slear on the table.
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signal lost in chair – representing a person that is clueless with a computer or technology solution. i had one slic customer today. they could not find the power switch on their monitor.