the act of spinning one’s p-n-s in a helicopter motion in the presence of other people. an act most often performed by canadians.
“dude what’s wrong?”
“when i woke up this morning my roommate spandersoned me.”
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- fugurtly
a combination between fat, ugly, and hurt; a norcal slang term. d-mn! that b-tch is h-lla fugurtly!!! yo momma is so fugurtly, her mom had to be drunk to breast feed her!
- Spandoo
a really ugly girl, like pig sh-t ugly see ‘seb scale’ ‘mate, that blind date was a f-cking spandoo!’
- full-fromp
completing a given task with extreme vigor. that guy in that big white chevy with a cowl induction hood was full-fromp when he p-ssed me. or i’m full-fromp.
- Spanglebox
a womans v-g-n- “i’d like to taste her spanglebox” “i wonder what tricks she has in her spanglebox”
- fumble jack
ticket taker at movie theater whose job is to tear tickets. often these people have an extremely hard time performing their sole job duty. the movie is about to start, we hand our tickets to fumble jack, for a soiled minute he sits there in his wheel chair rubbing our tickets together, finally accomplishing his […]