spawn of satan
… a replicate of the devil himself. a very evil, bitter, unrealing person… this phrase has been coined.. yes offically coined by sheila r.
… he was a sp-wn of satan …
especially annoying animals or children.
babysitter 1 (to babysitter 2):oh god! the sp-wn of satan has arrived an hour early!!
evil animals, like little dogs. also can be really annoying children.
suzannah: quit peeing on the couch, sp-wn!
sp-wn: bich, ill do whatever i want!-barks-
“d-mn, that five year old is like, sp-wn or something!”
a really annoying kid, person, or one’s mother-in-law.
adam: hey john, who’re you talking to?
john: the sp-wn of satan
adam: ah, your mother-in-law.
water in a gl-ss in which cigarette b-tts have been left over night.
“awww, what the f-ck is this? sh-t, it smells – oh g-d i’m gonna puke-
it’s just the sp-wn of satan jerry spilled.”
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