speed trap

area of road, usually where speed limit drops, where multiple or one determined cop sit majority of the day busting unsuspecting speeders with radar to get money for the department.
those f-cktard cops caught me in that speed trap yesterday
when multiple cars are driving in front of you at nearly the same speed, stopping you from p-ssing and forcing you to go as slow as them.
sorry i’m late man, i got stuck in a speed trap.
the red-neck adaptation of a “trap” or “crack” house, which is known for the manufacture or distribution of drugs commonly know as speed.
trevor set up a new speed trap in the trailer park down the road.
an area of road where you want to faster then the posted speed limit. cops typically patrol these areas and when you do follow the speed limit you are most likely going to get tail gated.
i got a ticket in that speed trap because i was going 40 even though the speed limit is 25.
a police chase merited by exceeding the speed limit, especially on an interstate highway.
fines double for exceeding the speed limit in a work zone.

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